Saturday, February 23, 2008

GoSMILE Advanced Formula B1 Tooth Whitening on the Go - 20 ampoules

tooth whitening B1 provides the fastest, purest, safest and most effective tooth whitening results! * Professionally formulated, as are all GoSMILE products, by Jonathan B. Levine, DMD. * The two most important aspects of tooth whitening that ensure results are contact time that the whitener is on the tooth and the concentration of the active ingredient itself. * Patent pending proprietary formula allows for greater concentration + longer contact time on teeth = maximum penetration of ingredients and maximum oxidation of stains. * Contact Time: B1 is formuled with a new adhesive - GoSMILE's whitening polymer complex - this allows the whitening gel to stay on the tooth 4x longer. * In the first 5 minutes the concentration increases in potency making the results twice as effective. * B1's single dose ampoules are the only hygienic paint-on tooth whitening product. * Offers targetable customized results to specific teeth you want to whiten. This kit contains 20 ampoules. You only need 14 to get B1 results. So use the extra 6 to prolong the program or be a maven and share your secret with others. Includes a Free GoSMILE University instructional DVD/CD Rom in which Dr. Levine explains tooth whitening options and the science behind GoSMILE.